AJAX是web2.0的基石,現在網上流行幾種開源的AJAX框架,比如:jQuery,Mootools,Dojo,Ext JS等等,那麼我們到底在什麼情況下該使用那個框架?以下是一組摘抄的數據:
Ajaxian在2007年底對Ajax工具進行了調查,部分調查結果見下表(其中數字為調查者使用該工具的百分比,詳細的請參見網頁): http://ajaxian.com/archives/2007-ajax- tools-usage-survey-results
How Do I Build a Linux® Server?
The Linux® platform can be used to create either a home server or an enterprise class server. It is considered one of the most safe and reliable platforms available. You can build a Linux® server using an old computer that is lying around your house, or you can purchase brand new hardware specifically for this purpose. The Linux® distribution and software that you use depends on the type of server you want to create. The nice thing about the Linux® operating system (OS) is you can have more than one type of server on a single machine.
Make a Linux Home Data Server of an Old PC
So, you’ve got an old computer, and you don’t know what to do with it. Sure, it can’t play new video games, maybe can’t run the latest and greatest software, don’t fret, it’s not totally worthless. Converting your old computer in to a home data server opens a range of possibilities, and a range of new things you can do with your computer(s) and the network.
[VNC] 如何使用VNC的基於 HTTP
Depending on your O/S and VNC version, this might be as simple as:
vncserver -httpport 80
You can also, using java, access this "web server" from outside to see your screen, via:
You would need to open the port 80 in your firewall to the server, and probably use a Dynamic DNS server such as dyndns.org